SSBM Decomp
No Matches
player.c File Reference
#include "ft/forward.h"
#include "pl/forward.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "ft/fighter.h"
#include "ft/ft_0877.h"
#include "ft/ft_0D14.h"
#include "ft/ftdata.h"
#include "ft/ftdemo.h"
#include "ft/ftlib.h"
#include "ft/types.h"
#include "ftKirby/ftKb_Init.h"
#include "gm/gm_1601.h"
#include "if/ifstatus.h"
#include "lb/lbarchive.h"
#include "pl/plattack.h"
#include "pl/plbonus.h"
#include "pl/plstale.h"
#include "pl/types.h"
#include <dolphin/mtx/types.h>
#include <dolphin/os.h>
#include <baselib/debug.h>
#include <baselib/gobjplink.h>
#include <baselib/objalloc.h>

Data Structures

struct  ftMapping
struct  plAllocInfo
struct  Unk_Struct_w_Array
 TODO delete after fixing functions that use this. More...


static bool hasExtraFighterId (ftMapping *data)
static void Player_CheckSlot (int slot)
StaticPlayerPlayer_GetPtrForSlot (int slot)
void Player_80031790 (int slot)
void Player_80031848 (int slot)
static void func_8008688C_wrapper (StaticPlayer *player)
void Player_80031900 (void)
bool Player_800319C4 (int slot, bool arg1)
void Player_80031AD0 (int slot)
void Player_80031CB0 (enum_t id, int slot)
void Player_80031D2C (enum_t id, int slot)
void Player_80031DA8 (s32 param_1, s32 param_2)
void Player_80031DC8 (void func_arg(s32, s32))
void Player_80031EBC (int slot)
void Player_80031FB0 (int slot, s32 entity_index)
void Player_80032070 (int slot, bool bool_arg)
 new match TODO / old match
void Player_8003219C (int slot)
bool Player_8003221C (int slot)
s32 Player_GetPlayerState (s32 slot)
CharacterKind Player_GetPlayerCharacter (int slot)
void Player_SetPlayerCharacter (s32 slot, s32 value)
enum_t Player_GetPlayerSlotType (s32 slot)
enum_t Player_8003248C (s32 slot, bool arg1)
void Player_SetSlottype (s32 slot, enum_t value)
s8 Player_800325C8 (s32 slot, bool b)
s8 Player_80032610 (s32 slot, bool arg1)
void Player_LoadPlayerCoords (s32 slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_80032768 (s32 slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_80032828 (s32 slot, s32 index, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_800328D4 (int slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_80032A04 (int slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_SetPlayerAndEntityFacingDirection (s32 slot, f32 facing_dir)
f32 Player_80032BB0 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetScale (s32 slot, f32 scale)
void Player_GetSpawnPlatformPos (s32 slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_SetSpawnPlatformPos (s32 slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_GetSomePos (s32 slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
void Player_SetSomePos (s32 slot, Vec3 *arg_vec)
s32 Player_80032F30 (s32 slot)
void Player_80032FA4 (s32 slot, s32 arg)
f32 Player_GetFacingDirection (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFacingDirection (s32 slot, f32 direction)
void Player_SetFacingDirectionConditional (s32 slot, bool b, f32 direction)
u32 Player_GetCostumeId (int slot)
void Player_SetCostumeId (int slot, s8 costume_id)
u8 Player_GetControllerIndex (int slot)
void Player_SetControllerIndex (int slot, s8 controller_index)
s8 Player_GetTeam (int slot)
void Player_SetTeam (int slot, s8 team)
s8 Player_GetPlayerId (int slot)
void Player_SetPlayerId (int slot, s8 player_id)
int Player_GetCpuLevel (int slot)
void Player_SetPlayerAndEntityCpuLevel (int slot, int cpu_level)
int Player_GetCpuType (int slot)
void Player_SetPlayerAndEntityCpuType (int slot, int cpu_type)
int Player_GetHandicap (int slot)
void Player_SetHandicap (int slot, s8 handicap)
f32 Player_GetUnk50 (int slot)
f32 Player_GetAttackRatio (int slot)
void Player_SetAttackRatio (int slot, f32 attack_ratio)
f32 Player_GetDefenseRatio (int slot)
void Player_SetDefenseRatio (int slot, f32 defense_ratio)
f32 Player_GetModelScale (int slot)
void Player_SetModelScale (int slot, f32 model_scale)
s32 Player_80033BB8 (int slot)
s32 Player_GetStocks (int slot)
int Player_GetP1Stock (void)
void Player_SetStocks (int slot, int stocks)
void Player_LoseStock (int slot)
int Player_GetCoins (int slot)
void Player_SetCoins (int slot, int current_coins)
int Player_GetTotalCoins (int slot)
void Player_SetTotalCoins (int slot, int coins)
s32 Player_GetUnk98 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetUnk98 (s32 slot, s32 unk98)
s32 Player_GetUnk9C (s32 slot)
void Player_SetUnk9C (s32 slot, s32 unk9C)
HSD_GObjPlayer_GetEntity (s32 slot)
HSD_GObjPlayer_GetEntityAtIndex (int slot, int index)
void Player_SwapTransformedStates (s32 slot, s32 arg1, s32 arg2)
s32 Player_GetDamage (s32 slot)
void Player_SetHUDDamage (s32 slot, s32 arg1)
void Player_SetHPByIndex (s32 slot, s32 arg1, s32 arg2)
s16 Player_GetOtherStamina (s32 slot)
void Player_SetOtherStamina (s32 slot, s32 stamina)
u32 Player_GetRemainingHP (s32 slot)
u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit2 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit2 (s32 slot, u8 bit2)
s32 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit3 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit3 (s32 slot, u8 bit3)
void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit4 (s32 slot, u8 bit4)
s32 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit4 (s32 slot)
u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit5 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit5 (s32 slot, u8 bit5)
u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit6 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit6 (s32 slot, u8 bit6)
u8 Player_GetFlagsAEBit0 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFlagsAEBit0 (s32 slot, u8 bit0)
u32 Player_GetRemainingHPByIndex (s32 slot, s32 index)
s32 Player_GetFalls (s32 slot)
s32 Player_GetFallsByIndex (s32 slot, s32 arg1)
void Player_SetFalls (int slot, s32 falls)
void Player_SetFallsByIndex (int slot, enum_t index, s32 falls)
s32 Player_GetKOsByPlayerIndex (int slot, int idx)
void Player_UpdateKOsBySlot (int slot, bool bool_arg, int other_slot)
uint Player_GetMatchFrameCount (int slot)
void Player_UpdateMatchFrameCount (int slot, bool condition)
uint Player_GetSuicideCount (int slot)
void Player_SetSuicideCount (s32 slot, u32 suicide_count)
void Player_IncSuicideCount (s32 slot, s32 condition)
bool Player_800353BC (s32 slot)
bool Player_8003544C (s32 slot, bool condition)
void Player_SetFlagsBit0 (int slot, bool bit0)
u8 Player_GetNametagSlotID (int slot)
void Player_SetNametagSlotID (int slot, int nametag_slot_id)
s32 Player_GetFlagsBit1 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFlagsBit1 (s32 slot)
void Player_UnsetFlagsBit1 (int slot)
s32 Player_GetFlagsBit3 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFlagsBit3 (s32 slot, u8 bit3)
int Player_GetFlagsBit4 (int slot)
u8 Player_GetFlagsBit5 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFlagsBit5 (s32 slot, u8 bit5)
u8 Player_GetFlagsBit6 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFlagsBit6 (s32 slot, u8 bit6)
u8 Player_GetFlagsBit7 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetFlagsBit7 (s32 slot, u8 bit7)
u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit0 (s32 slot)
u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit1 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit1 (s32 slot, u8 bit1)
s32 Player_GetUnk4D (s32 slot)
void Player_SetUnk4D (s32 slot, s8 unk4D)
u8 Player_GetFlagsAEBit1 (s32 slot)
u8 Player_SetFlagsAEBit1 (int slot, u8 bit1)
u8 Player_GetUnk4C (s32 slot)
void Player_SetUnk4C (s32 slot, u8 unk4C)
void Player_80036058 (s32 slot)
void Player_800360D8 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetStructFunc (s32 slot, void *arg_func)
pl_800386D8_tPlayer_GetTotalAttackCountPtr (int slot)
StaleMoveTablePlayer_GetStaleMoveTableIndexPtr (s32 slot)
int * Player_GetUnk6A8Ptr (int slot)
StaleMoveTablePlayer_GetStaleMoveTableIndexPtr2 (s32 slot)
s32 Player_80036394 (s32 slot)
s32 Player_80036428 (s32 slot)
void Player_SetUnk45 (s32 slot, s8 unk45)
u8 Player_GetUnk45 (s32 slot)
void Player_UpdateJoystickCountByIndex (s32 slot, s32 index)
s32 Player_GetJoystickCountByIndex (s32 slot, s32 index)
void Player_800366DC (s32 slot, s32 arg1)
void Player_80036790 (s32 slot, f32 arg1)
void Player_80036844 (s32 slot, s32 arg1)
void Player_800368F8 (s32 slot)
void Player_80036978 (s32 slot, s32 arg1)
void Player_InitOrResetPlayer (s32 slot)
void Player_80036CF0 (s32 slot)
void Player_80036D24 (s32 slot)
void Player_InitAllPlayers (void)
void Player_80036DA4 (void)
void Player_80036DD8 (void)
void Player_80036E20 (s32 arg0, HSD_Archive *archive, s32 arg2)
s32 Player_80036EA0 (s32 slot)
void Player_80036F34 (s32 slot, s32 arg1)
void Player_80037054 (s32 slot, s32 arg1)


char str_PdPmdat_start_of_data [] = "PdPm.dat"
char str_plLoadCommonData [] = "plLoadCommonData"
ftMapping ftMapping_list [FTKIND_MAX]
StaticPlayer player_slots [PL_SLOT_MAX]
HSD_ObjAllocData Player_804587E0
void * pl_804D6470

Function Documentation

◆ hasExtraFighterId()

static bool hasExtraFighterId ( ftMapping data)
This can be used in more places when functions are fixed to use correct structs.

◆ Player_CheckSlot()

static void Player_CheckSlot ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetPtrForSlot()

StaticPlayer * Player_GetPtrForSlot ( int  slot)

◆ Player_80031790()

void Player_80031790 ( int  slot)

transformed will either be [1,0] (normal) or [0,1] (transformed) checks to see if the player is in a transformed state, and calls the function only once depending on the state

◆ Player_80031848()

void Player_80031848 ( int  slot)

transformed will either be [1,0] (normal) or [0,1] (transformed) checks to see if the player is in a transformed state, and calls the function only once depending on the state

◆ func_8008688C_wrapper()

static void func_8008688C_wrapper ( StaticPlayer player)

◆ Player_80031900()

void Player_80031900 ( void  )

◆ Player_800319C4()

bool Player_800319C4 ( int  slot,
bool  arg1 

◆ Player_80031AD0()

void Player_80031AD0 ( int  slot)
Eliminate cast.
Eliminate cast.

◆ Player_80031CB0()

void Player_80031CB0 ( enum_t  id,
int  slot 

◆ Player_80031D2C()

void Player_80031D2C ( enum_t  id,
int  slot 

◆ Player_80031DA8()

void Player_80031DA8 ( s32  param_1,
s32  param_2 

◆ Player_80031DC8()

void Player_80031DC8 ( void   func_args32, s32)

◆ Player_80031EBC()

void Player_80031EBC ( int  slot)

◆ Player_80031FB0()

void Player_80031FB0 ( int  slot,
s32  entity_index 

◆ Player_80032070()

void Player_80032070 ( int  slot,
bool  bool_arg 

new match TODO / old match

◆ Player_8003219C()

void Player_8003219C ( int  slot)

◆ Player_8003221C()

bool Player_8003221C ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetPlayerState()

s32 Player_GetPlayerState ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetPlayerCharacter()

CharacterKind Player_GetPlayerCharacter ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetPlayerCharacter()

void Player_SetPlayerCharacter ( s32  slot,
s32  value 

◆ Player_GetPlayerSlotType()

enum_t Player_GetPlayerSlotType ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_8003248C()

enum_t Player_8003248C ( s32  slot,
bool  arg1 

◆ Player_SetSlottype()

void Player_SetSlottype ( s32  slot,
enum_t  value 

◆ Player_800325C8()

s8 Player_800325C8 ( s32  slot,
bool  b 

◆ Player_80032610()

s8 Player_80032610 ( s32  slot,
bool  arg1 

◆ Player_LoadPlayerCoords()

void Player_LoadPlayerCoords ( s32  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_80032768()

void Player_80032768 ( s32  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_80032828()

void Player_80032828 ( s32  slot,
s32  index,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_800328D4()

void Player_800328D4 ( int  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_80032A04()

void Player_80032A04 ( int  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_SetPlayerAndEntityFacingDirection()

void Player_SetPlayerAndEntityFacingDirection ( s32  slot,
f32  facing_dir 

◆ Player_80032BB0()

f32 Player_80032BB0 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetScale()

void Player_SetScale ( s32  slot,
f32  scale 

◆ Player_GetSpawnPlatformPos()

void Player_GetSpawnPlatformPos ( s32  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_SetSpawnPlatformPos()

void Player_SetSpawnPlatformPos ( s32  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_GetSomePos()

void Player_GetSomePos ( s32  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_SetSomePos()

void Player_SetSomePos ( s32  slot,
Vec3 arg_vec 

◆ Player_80032F30()

s32 Player_80032F30 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_80032FA4()

void Player_80032FA4 ( s32  slot,
s32  arg 

◆ Player_GetFacingDirection()

f32 Player_GetFacingDirection ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFacingDirection()

void Player_SetFacingDirection ( s32  slot,
f32  direction 

◆ Player_SetFacingDirectionConditional()

void Player_SetFacingDirectionConditional ( s32  slot,
bool  b,
f32  direction 

◆ Player_GetCostumeId()

u32 Player_GetCostumeId ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetCostumeId()

void Player_SetCostumeId ( int  slot,
s8  costume_id 

◆ Player_GetControllerIndex()

u8 Player_GetControllerIndex ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetControllerIndex()

void Player_SetControllerIndex ( int  slot,
s8  controller_index 

◆ Player_GetTeam()

s8 Player_GetTeam ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetTeam()

void Player_SetTeam ( int  slot,
s8  team 

◆ Player_GetPlayerId()

s8 Player_GetPlayerId ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetPlayerId()

void Player_SetPlayerId ( int  slot,
s8  player_id 

◆ Player_GetCpuLevel()

int Player_GetCpuLevel ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetPlayerAndEntityCpuLevel()

void Player_SetPlayerAndEntityCpuLevel ( int  slot,
int  cpu_level 

◆ Player_GetCpuType()

int Player_GetCpuType ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetPlayerAndEntityCpuType()

void Player_SetPlayerAndEntityCpuType ( int  slot,
int  cpu_type 

◆ Player_GetHandicap()

int Player_GetHandicap ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetHandicap()

void Player_SetHandicap ( int  slot,
s8  handicap 

◆ Player_GetUnk50()

f32 Player_GetUnk50 ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetAttackRatio()

f32 Player_GetAttackRatio ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetAttackRatio()

void Player_SetAttackRatio ( int  slot,
f32  attack_ratio 

◆ Player_GetDefenseRatio()

f32 Player_GetDefenseRatio ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetDefenseRatio()

void Player_SetDefenseRatio ( int  slot,
f32  defense_ratio 

◆ Player_GetModelScale()

f32 Player_GetModelScale ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetModelScale()

void Player_SetModelScale ( int  slot,
f32  model_scale 

◆ Player_80033BB8()

s32 Player_80033BB8 ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetStocks()

s32 Player_GetStocks ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetP1Stock()

int Player_GetP1Stock ( void  )

◆ Player_SetStocks()

void Player_SetStocks ( int  slot,
int  stocks 

◆ Player_LoseStock()

void Player_LoseStock ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetCoins()

int Player_GetCoins ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetCoins()

void Player_SetCoins ( int  slot,
int  current_coins 

◆ Player_GetTotalCoins()

int Player_GetTotalCoins ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetTotalCoins()

void Player_SetTotalCoins ( int  slot,
int  coins 

◆ Player_GetUnk98()

s32 Player_GetUnk98 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetUnk98()

void Player_SetUnk98 ( s32  slot,
s32  unk98 

◆ Player_GetUnk9C()

s32 Player_GetUnk9C ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetUnk9C()

void Player_SetUnk9C ( s32  slot,
s32  unk9C 

◆ Player_GetEntity()

HSD_GObj * Player_GetEntity ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetEntityAtIndex()

HSD_GObj * Player_GetEntityAtIndex ( int  slot,
int  index 
Mostly called by Ice Climbers code, must be because they have 2nd entity

◆ Player_SwapTransformedStates()

void Player_SwapTransformedStates ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1,
s32  arg2 

◆ Player_GetDamage()

s32 Player_GetDamage ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetHUDDamage()

void Player_SetHUDDamage ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 

◆ Player_SetHPByIndex()

void Player_SetHPByIndex ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1,
s32  arg2 

◆ Player_GetOtherStamina()

s16 Player_GetOtherStamina ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetOtherStamina()

void Player_SetOtherStamina ( s32  slot,
s32  stamina 

◆ Player_GetRemainingHP()

u32 Player_GetRemainingHP ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit2()

u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit2 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetMoreFlagsBit2()

void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit2 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit2 

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit3()

s32 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit3 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetMoreFlagsBit3()

void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit3 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit3 

◆ Player_SetMoreFlagsBit4()

void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit4 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit4 

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit4()

s32 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit4 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit5()

u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit5 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetMoreFlagsBit5()

void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit5 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit5 

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit6()

u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit6 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetMoreFlagsBit6()

void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit6 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit6 

◆ Player_GetFlagsAEBit0()

u8 Player_GetFlagsAEBit0 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsAEBit0()

void Player_SetFlagsAEBit0 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit0 

◆ Player_GetRemainingHPByIndex()

u32 Player_GetRemainingHPByIndex ( s32  slot,
s32  index 

◆ Player_GetFalls()

s32 Player_GetFalls ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetFallsByIndex()

s32 Player_GetFallsByIndex ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 

◆ Player_SetFalls()

void Player_SetFalls ( int  slot,
s32  falls 

◆ Player_SetFallsByIndex()

void Player_SetFallsByIndex ( int  slot,
enum_t  index,
s32  falls 

◆ Player_GetKOsByPlayerIndex()

s32 Player_GetKOsByPlayerIndex ( int  slot,
int  idx 

◆ Player_UpdateKOsBySlot()

void Player_UpdateKOsBySlot ( int  slot,
bool  bool_arg,
int  other_slot 

◆ Player_GetMatchFrameCount()

uint Player_GetMatchFrameCount ( int  slot)

◆ Player_UpdateMatchFrameCount()

void Player_UpdateMatchFrameCount ( int  slot,
bool  condition 

◆ Player_GetSuicideCount()

uint Player_GetSuicideCount ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetSuicideCount()

void Player_SetSuicideCount ( s32  slot,
u32  suicide_count 

◆ Player_IncSuicideCount()

void Player_IncSuicideCount ( s32  slot,
s32  condition 

◆ Player_800353BC()

bool Player_800353BC ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_8003544C()

bool Player_8003544C ( s32  slot,
bool  condition 

◆ Player_SetFlagsBit0()

void Player_SetFlagsBit0 ( int  slot,
bool  bit0 

◆ Player_GetNametagSlotID()

u8 Player_GetNametagSlotID ( int  slot)

◆ Player_SetNametagSlotID()

void Player_SetNametagSlotID ( int  slot,
int  nametag_slot_id 

◆ Player_GetFlagsBit1()

s32 Player_GetFlagsBit1 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsBit1()

void Player_SetFlagsBit1 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_UnsetFlagsBit1()

void Player_UnsetFlagsBit1 ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetFlagsBit3()

s32 Player_GetFlagsBit3 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsBit3()

void Player_SetFlagsBit3 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit3 

◆ Player_GetFlagsBit4()

int Player_GetFlagsBit4 ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetFlagsBit5()

u8 Player_GetFlagsBit5 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsBit5()

void Player_SetFlagsBit5 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit5 

◆ Player_GetFlagsBit6()

u8 Player_GetFlagsBit6 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsBit6()

void Player_SetFlagsBit6 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit6 

◆ Player_GetFlagsBit7()

u8 Player_GetFlagsBit7 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsBit7()

void Player_SetFlagsBit7 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit7 

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit0()

u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit0 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetMoreFlagsBit1()

u8 Player_GetMoreFlagsBit1 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetMoreFlagsBit1()

void Player_SetMoreFlagsBit1 ( s32  slot,
u8  bit1 

◆ Player_GetUnk4D()

s32 Player_GetUnk4D ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetUnk4D()

void Player_SetUnk4D ( s32  slot,
s8  unk4D 

◆ Player_GetFlagsAEBit1()

u8 Player_GetFlagsAEBit1 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetFlagsAEBit1()

u8 Player_SetFlagsAEBit1 ( int  slot,
u8  bit1 

◆ Player_GetUnk4C()

u8 Player_GetUnk4C ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetUnk4C()

void Player_SetUnk4C ( s32  slot,
u8  unk4C 

◆ Player_80036058()

void Player_80036058 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_800360D8()

void Player_800360D8 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetStructFunc()

void Player_SetStructFunc ( s32  slot,
void *  arg_func 

◆ Player_GetTotalAttackCountPtr()

pl_800386D8_t * Player_GetTotalAttackCountPtr ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetStaleMoveTableIndexPtr()

StaleMoveTable * Player_GetStaleMoveTableIndexPtr ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_GetUnk6A8Ptr()

int * Player_GetUnk6A8Ptr ( int  slot)

◆ Player_GetStaleMoveTableIndexPtr2()

StaleMoveTable * Player_GetStaleMoveTableIndexPtr2 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_80036394()

s32 Player_80036394 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_80036428()

s32 Player_80036428 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_SetUnk45()

void Player_SetUnk45 ( s32  slot,
s8  unk45 

◆ Player_GetUnk45()

u8 Player_GetUnk45 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_UpdateJoystickCountByIndex()

void Player_UpdateJoystickCountByIndex ( s32  slot,
s32  index 

◆ Player_GetJoystickCountByIndex()

s32 Player_GetJoystickCountByIndex ( s32  slot,
s32  index 

◆ Player_800366DC()

void Player_800366DC ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 

◆ Player_80036790()

void Player_80036790 ( s32  slot,
f32  arg1 

◆ Player_80036844()

void Player_80036844 ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 

◆ Player_800368F8()

void Player_800368F8 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_80036978()

void Player_80036978 ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 
Eliminate cast.

◆ Player_InitOrResetPlayer()

void Player_InitOrResetPlayer ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_80036CF0()

void Player_80036CF0 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_80036D24()

void Player_80036D24 ( s32  slot)

◆ Player_InitAllPlayers()

void Player_InitAllPlayers ( void  )

◆ Player_80036DA4()

void Player_80036DA4 ( void  )

◆ Player_80036DD8()

void Player_80036DD8 ( void  )

◆ Player_80036E20()

void Player_80036E20 ( s32  arg0,
HSD_Archive archive,
s32  arg2 

◆ Player_80036EA0()

s32 Player_80036EA0 ( s32  slot)
Eliminate cast.

◆ Player_80036F34()

void Player_80036F34 ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 

◆ Player_80037054()

void Player_80037054 ( s32  slot,
s32  arg1 

Variable Documentation

◆ str_PdPmdat_start_of_data

char str_PdPmdat_start_of_data[] = "PdPm.dat"

◆ str_plLoadCommonData

char str_plLoadCommonData[] = "plLoadCommonData"

◆ ftMapping_list

ftMapping ftMapping_list[FTKIND_MAX]
Initial value:
= {
{ 0x02, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x03, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x01, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x18, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x04, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x05, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x06, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x11, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x12, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x10, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x08, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x09, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x0C, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x00 },
{ 0x0F, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x0D, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x0E, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x13, 0x07, 0x01 }, { 0x07, 0x13, 0x01 }, { 0x16, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x14, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x15, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x1A, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x17, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x19, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x1B, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x1D, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x1E, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x1F, 0xFF, 0x00 },
{ 0x1C, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x20, 0xFF, 0x00 }, { 0x0A, 0xFF, 0x00 }

◆ player_slots

StaticPlayer player_slots[PL_SLOT_MAX]

◆ Player_804587E0

HSD_ObjAllocData Player_804587E0

◆ pl_804D6470

void* pl_804D6470