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ftFoxSpecialHi Struct Reference

#include <types.h>

Data Fields

s32 gravityDelay
 0x2340 - Number of frames to pass before gravity takes effect
float rotateModel
 0x2344 - Used to rotate Fox/Falco's model?
s32 travelFrames
 0x2348 - Number of frames Firefox/Firebird's launch animation lasts for
s32 unk
 0x234C - ???
s32 unk2
 0x2350 - ???

Field Documentation

◆ gravityDelay

s32 ftFoxSpecialHi::gravityDelay

0x2340 - Number of frames to pass before gravity takes effect

◆ rotateModel

float ftFoxSpecialHi::rotateModel

0x2344 - Used to rotate Fox/Falco's model?

◆ travelFrames

s32 ftFoxSpecialHi::travelFrames

0x2348 - Number of frames Firefox/Firebird's launch animation lasts for

◆ unk

s32 ftFoxSpecialHi::unk

0x234C - ???

◆ unk2

s32 ftFoxSpecialHi::unk2

0x2350 - ???

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: