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UnkStage6B0 Struct Reference

#include <types.h>

Data Fields

f32 x0
s16 x4
u8 x6_pad [2]
s16 x8
s16 xA
s32 xC
s32 x10
s32 x14
f32 x18
f32 x1C
f32 x20
f32 x24
f32 x28
u8 x2C_pad [0x2E - 0x2C]
s16 x2E
s32 x30
s32 x34
s32 x38
f32 x3C
f32 x40
f32 x44
f32 x48
bool x4C_fixed_cam
f32 x50
f32 x54
f32 x58
f32 x5C
f32 x60
f32 x64
s16 x68
u8 x6C_pad [0xB0 - 0x6A]
s32 xB4
s32 xB8
s32 xBC
s32 xC0
s32 xC4
s32 xC8
s32 xCC
s32 xD0
s32 xD4
s32 xD8

Field Documentation

◆ x0

f32 UnkStage6B0::x0

◆ x4

s16 UnkStage6B0::x4

◆ x6_pad

u8 UnkStage6B0::x6_pad[2]

◆ x8

s16 UnkStage6B0::x8

◆ xA

s16 UnkStage6B0::xA

◆ xC

s32 UnkStage6B0::xC

◆ x10

s32 UnkStage6B0::x10

◆ x14

s32 UnkStage6B0::x14

◆ x18

f32 UnkStage6B0::x18

◆ x1C

f32 UnkStage6B0::x1C

◆ x20

f32 UnkStage6B0::x20

◆ x24

f32 UnkStage6B0::x24

◆ x28

f32 UnkStage6B0::x28

◆ x2C_pad

u8 UnkStage6B0::x2C_pad[0x2E - 0x2C]

◆ x2E

s16 UnkStage6B0::x2E

◆ x30

s32 UnkStage6B0::x30

◆ x34

s32 UnkStage6B0::x34

◆ x38

s32 UnkStage6B0::x38

◆ x3C

f32 UnkStage6B0::x3C

◆ x40

f32 UnkStage6B0::x40

◆ x44

f32 UnkStage6B0::x44

◆ x48

f32 UnkStage6B0::x48

◆ x4C_fixed_cam

bool UnkStage6B0::x4C_fixed_cam

◆ x50

f32 UnkStage6B0::x50

◆ x54

f32 UnkStage6B0::x54

◆ x58

f32 UnkStage6B0::x58

◆ x5C

f32 UnkStage6B0::x5C

◆ x60

f32 UnkStage6B0::x60

◆ x64

f32 UnkStage6B0::x64

◆ x68

s16 UnkStage6B0::x68

◆ x6C_pad

u8 UnkStage6B0::x6C_pad[0xB0 - 0x6A]

◆ xB0

UnkBgmStruct* UnkStage6B0::xB0

◆ xB4

s32 UnkStage6B0::xB4

◆ xB8

s32 UnkStage6B0::xB8

◆ xBC

s32 UnkStage6B0::xBC

◆ xC0

s32 UnkStage6B0::xC0

◆ xC4

s32 UnkStage6B0::xC4

◆ xC8

s32 UnkStage6B0::xC8

◆ xCC

s32 UnkStage6B0::xCC

◆ xD0

s32 UnkStage6B0::xD0

◆ xD4

s32 UnkStage6B0::xD4

◆ xD8

s32 UnkStage6B0::xD8

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: